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Saturday, April 5, 2014


Spring is slowly starting to come to town, and with it, my desire to craft again!  Thank goodness, because my spare room is looking like a junkhouse and hubby is getting CRANKY at me for it  - lol, like I care.

Last summer I bought this cabinet from the facebook auction.  I think I paid $5-$10 for it.

As you can see from looking at it, it was just a place to throw crap.  It didn't match my style, was beyond blah and was basically an eyesore.  I don't know what made me decide to finally do something about it.  Maybe I was bored, maybe I was stuck inside because of a snowstorm, maybe (and probably) I finally looked it and felt a deep embarrassment that I had actually let it sit this way for almost a year.

I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with it and then a friend of mine emailed me about painting fake wood, and how she wanted to do a dresser of hers a nice bright white colour.  I replied that maybe it would look great white with a dark, stained top.  LIGHTBULB!  That is what I decided this baby needed.

I sanded it down quickly, as it had a shiny finish on it, then I got to work.  I didn't choose a bright white, instead going with a colour called antique linen, which is basically white.

I had forgotten how hard it actually is to paint something plain white.  It took about 4 coats to get this to a nice, even colour.  Then I used my go to stain, Dark Walnut, for the top.

I was feeling pretty adventurous and attempted, key word being attempted, to paint zebra stripes on the front.

Talk about an absolute fail.  It looked like a dead flower or something Abby Sue would have done in finger painting class.  I didn't want to paint the white over it, because I knew it would take a bazillion coats to cover that brown colour.  So I went to my trusty modge podge drawer and pulled out my staple.  You got it, I used my clocks.

I am getting to be such a pro at modge podging, and, in my opinion, the finished product is always so awesome looking, that I didn't consider this project that big of a fail.  In fact, I absolutely love it now.

I still have to add a shelf to the top and maybe some bright coloured baskets, but it is totally functional and looks perfect in the space.

How's that for a cheap makeover?  I didn't have to buy anything, as I had all of the supplies at home already. Unique, fun, and one of a kind - just the way I like my house to be. Pin It

1 comment:

  1. that was a great buy Vicky and you did a fabulous job in making it another great piece to beautify your home...MILLIE
