I keep seeing chairs with flowing script on them. I saw one of Revenge the other night (what an awesome show) and I keep seeing them in blogland. My envy knows no bounds. I cannot find the material anywhere - unless I order it online and I am FAR too cheap to pay the shipping. So, for now, the chair is in my dreams (and on my pinterest page)
While I was at Goodwill the other day, I found a perfect chair for $2.02. It was everything I have ever wanted, with a beautiful heart shaped back and nice legs. Sigh. She was beautiful. So, of course I bought her. Even though I have no place to put her and no script material to cover her with.
She was just too sweet to pass up.
I had some pretty houndstooth material laying around the house, so I decided to paint the legs of the chair cherry red and cover it in houndstooth.
I painted the legs and just loved the colour. But after ripping the chair apart (and pulling out about 1000 staples)
I decided that the houndstooth was just tooooooooooo boring!!!! I decided to give Fabricland another try. So, while listening to my 6 year old whine about how bored she was, I was a bad mommmy and made her wander the fabric store with me (thank god for the Ipad). Imagine my shock when I saw this
I just fell in love. I was sad because I wouldn't be able to use my cherry red spray paint on the legs, but I had to have this fabric!!!!
I gave the legs a quick coat of white and sanded until the red showed through.
Wow, did I love the effect!!! It took me about an hour to finish the chair. I think I have a new crush.
I have absolutely no place to put it, but, if and when I ever get a new house, it would look awesome in a foyer.
It isn't the cool black, parisian script that I was looking for, but it sure is one heck of an alternative!!!
I HEART NAPTIME (glitch with her buttons)
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