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Friday, July 22, 2011


I love searching for things other people throw away that I can refinish. I guess you could say I love cast offs. Although, I don't love other peoples' cast-offs as much AS I LOVE MY OWN!!!!!!!! Yes, I got my cast off on Tuesday. The wrist hurts and is swollen, but it doesn't have anything on it to stop me from bathing, or swimming, or (what is wrong with me??) doing dishes. I have been very slowly using it and getting the stiffness out. Today I decided it was ready for a small project. Oh the excitement running through my veins!!!

I bought this stool from Goodwill just before I broke my wrist. It only cost $3.03 (they have the weirdest prices now). I have way tooooooooooooo many stools, but it is an obsession of mine, so I splurged (I am so cheap)

I am a big fan of bright colours, so I painted the legs blue

Diego just loves to sneak into my pictures. Or, to be more exact, get in my way when I am DIYing. Love that little guy.

I went to Fabricland because they are getting rid of their outdoor material. I was planning on buying some funky blue/green/brown material to cover the stool with, but then I saw this and I immediately fell in love.

I know it is a little "safe" but I liked the pattern and the price. So, I whipped out the trusty scissors (had to use my right hand to cut, so it was kind of slow), staple gun and tacky spray. I took the legs off the stool, stapled like mad, put the legs back on, and, voila, looky what I made

I love it. I don't have any place in the house for it, but Abby Sue has comandeered it and is using it instead of the couch to watch tv.

It took me about 1/2 hour to do, which isn't so bad. Cost me, in total $9. No complaints from me.

Anybody else got a little project (or stool obsession) they want to share? Pin It

Sunday, July 10, 2011


I have had this horrible cast on for 3 weeks

It is on my left arm, and, of course, I am left handed. But, I have been trying not to let it get me down. I still managed to take Abby Sue to the Canada Day fair on July 1

It has been a quick few weeks, but I am going out of my tree not being able to DIY. I want to pull up the carpet on my stairs and paint them. I want to paint some rooms, I WANT TO DO EVERYTHING!!!!!

Today, we were going to go to the beach, but it was cloudy, so I decided to be a rebel and I did a tiny little project.

Abby Sue now helps out in the kitchen and she has to pull a chair over in order to help. I had scored a bench from Good Will about a month ago for $1.99 on 1/2 price Friday

I sprayed painted the legs with a new layer of black paint, then dug out some old material that I had in the closet. Voila!!

Now my baby is happy

and I am happy. The cast comes off in less than 2 weeks. I think DIY is a wonderful alternative to physical therapy. Don't you think so too? Pin It