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Saturday, April 23, 2011


I have been having a hard time with finding something big enough to go over my king sized bed. I had put my new flower mirror over it, but it was much too small

Then I put my starburst mirror over it, but it still seemed too small

Not only was it too small, it also looked lopsided. So, I decided to make this mirror HUGE and added 8 more petals to it. Cost me $1 for cardboard and 10 minutes of my time. It was well worth it. Add some black and white pillow to the mix and VOILA

Now I absolutely love the mirror. I always liked it before, but now it looks fabulous. Thanks fellow bloggers for the idea!!

Have a Happy Easter everyone!

Linking up here with this

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Thanks for the Invite

I was invited by

to join her newbie party. Anybody new to blogging or who has less than 100 followers, come on over!!

I am also over here today

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Monday, April 18, 2011

Moving Pieces Does the Trick

I absolutely love the starburst mirror that I made on the weekend. But, alas, it is too small for over my bed. Sigh. So, while walking down the hall towards my bedroom today, I noticed that my other petal mirror is TOO BIG for over my console. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, switcho, presto, magic!!!

Looks much better. It's weird, because the mirror over the bed looks much bigger in person. Huh? I think I am going to add about 8 more petals to the mirror over the bed to make it huge!!! I'm off on Friday, so I will probably do it then. After I paint the fabulous pieces I got from Goodwill 1/2 price Friday. More to come on those...... Pin It

Monday Link Ups

Here's where I have linked up today. Party on Wayne (so stuck in the 80s)

and here


and here

and here

and here

and a new one here

another new one here

Wow, another new one

Okay I am done for the day. I know most people just put the links, but I love putting the buttons on my blog. Makes it and me happier.

Thought I was done until wonderful Kelly over at
Running with Glitter

gave me a special invite. Thanks Kelly!!

Thanks for hosting the parties!! Pin It

Saturday, April 16, 2011


I have been wanting to do a starburst mirror FOREVER. I don't have the patience to do the long sticks, and the wooden slat ones are great, but won't go with my house. SIGH! Well, about a month ago, I picked up this

I am in the process of lightening up my bedroom, so I thought if I painted it white and put a mirror in the middle, it would look pretty nice.

So, I took the clock part out

Then out came the glossy white spray paint. Pretty nice job.

Next, I purchased 2 black lampshades from Walmart to put on my beautiful white bases. On a side note, one of the lamps did not work, so I had to get another one from Goodwill and paint it. It isn't the same size as the other one, but it has a pretty cool shape, so I am happy with it. The lamp shades were pretty dull

so I put a small band of lime green ribbon on the top

I really want this funky green comforter with white vines on it for the bedroom, but I don't want to put it out until we finally sell and get our new place. So, I went shopping on Friday and found a coverlet, king size, for ONLY $20!! It is the colour that I want and it will do until I get my real one.

I put my lamps on my new nightstands

Ignore John's lacrosse stick. Why he keeps it beside the bed is beyond me.

Then I put my new mirror up

It is too small for over our king bed, but I am going to keep it there for now and find a place in our new home. I still have to paint our older furniture and get new hardware, but overall, I am pretty pleased. The room is light and airy now and I think/hope/wish that others will like it when they come thru with thoughts of buying.

So, here if a before

and after

I am loving this new look. How about you? Pin It


My daughter loves to sing and dance. She used to let me watch, but now she has taken to barracading her door and not letting anybody see her. Well, today she was in the living room singing with her Ipod on and didn't see me come in with the video camera. I left it on the end table, so you can't really see her, but you can hear her. She is singing Rhianna's "Only Girl in the World". I laughed so hard that tears were coming out of my eyes. Then I did something that I swore I would never do. I put it on YouTube. The only reason I did this was because you can't see her face at all. But, it made me smile to hear her and I thought maybe somebody else in the world would need a smile today too.

So, without further ado, here is this sweetheart

singing this!

Hope you enjoy this as much as I did. Pin It

I was Featured!!!!

Oh my goodness - for the first time EVER I have been featured on someone else's blog. You can't imagine the thrill I felt - well I guess you can if you have been featured before. Anyways, thanks so much to my friend over at

Spunky Junky Pin It

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Lovin Linky Parties

I have been all over the place this Saturday evening. Check out where I am linking:

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

and here

and here

and here

and here

and here (my goodness I have been everywhere!!)

and here

and, finally, here

Oops!! One more

Thanks to all the wonderful bloggers out there who have their linky parties where we can be "proud mamas" of all of our projects.

These are some pretty cool sites, so if you haven't been there, check them out!!! Pin It

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What I love Wednesday

I was reading all of my favorite blogs this morning and I came across WHAT I LOVE WEDNESDAY over at

One Busy Chick

I am going to steal her idea and say the 5 things that I love:

1. Laughing at work. I just have the best boss. We laugh and chat and still manage to get lots accomplished. I don't think that it is possible to be grumpy at my job.

2. Sunshine in the morning. I love that when I get up now there is a hint of light shining through the window. So much better than cold, dark "I hate getting up" mornings.

3. Seeing my beautiful daughter as soon as I get out of the shower. My heart just bursts with love when I see her little face. Sigh

4. My family. I love when my hubby is on days, so that we actually get to see each other in the morning. I love getting to see my mom every day when I drop my daughter off before school. I realize how lucky I am to have my family so close by and to see them whenever I want to.

5. Buffy the Vampire Slayer reruns. Seriously. I PVR this show and watch it every night. It might be my most favorite show - ever.

Well, there you have it. The five top things that come to my mind when I think about things I love.

Let me know what yours are. Pin It

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday Whimzy

Linked up over here

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