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Monday, January 31, 2011

Big Honking Thank You

I want to thank everybody for all of their help in teaching me the ins and outs of blogging.  I hope I don't miss offend anybody, but these two bloggers have been exceptional in helping me and giving me wonderful tips. If you are not a follower, you need to be soon

The Crafty Gals

UPDATE: Have to add another. She rocks too!

My Repurposed Life Pin It

Blog Hop

My Repurposed Life is hosting a blog hop where people will look at your blog and offer comments and helpful hints.  I joined.  Of course, being me, I didn't put my name on my blog.  I should learn to read instructions before I do things.  Anyways, hopefully I am doing this correctly.  Here goes:

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available. Pin It

Friday, January 28, 2011

Abby Sue is Six Today

Six wonderful years ago on this date, I was blessed with the most wonderful, sweetest, baby girl in the world.

I can't believe how fast time went

Six already!!!

I love to decorate and DIY, but nothing compares to the feeling I get when I look at the very best thing I have done in my life.  I love you more than french fries, Abby Sue!!! Pin It

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Pre-blog Projects

Today, my daughter is home sick with the flu:

So, inbetween doing 5 loads of laundry, at least 4 sinks of dishes and cleaning my house, I really haven't had time to attempt any diy stuff.  However, I was looking around at all of the things that I had done before I started blogging.  I don't have any before or after shots, but some of my things turned out pretty good and so I am going to show them off.

I got this light fixture at a garage sale for $5.  It was cream and dirty, but I could see potential.  My one friend just loves it.  I grabbed my trusty spray paint, painted it black and it goes great in my bedroom

I wanted some candlesticks for the room as well, but am too cheap to buy the ones that I wanted.  So, off to the dollar store to get some vases and glue.  I still had my black spray paint left, SCORE. Here are my finished candle sticks

Our room in our previous house was dark red with a cream/leopard print/rose bedspread.  I wanted to change that in the new house, so I went stark - brown, cream, black.  I knew that I needed a splash of colour, maybe a picture, but my bed is king sized and we couldn't afford a big picture to go over the bed.  So, I got some really pretty material

and an old frame from a junk store, painted it and made myself a piece of artwork.  Not to shabby, if I do say so myself

My daughter wanted some flowers painted on her wall, so I called my wonderful nephew who drew this wall freehand, then I painted in where he had drawn.  It is my favorite place in the house

Abby Sue is always dancing in the mirror, so I bought her a full length mirror, mounted it on some plywood so that we could add hooks, and put the caption, "love who you are" on the top. 

Abb's room is very small and she needed someplace to sit, other than her bed.  So, I took our old black and glass tv stand, and turned it into a bench.  It gave her extra storage and a place to snuggle her stuffies

My mother-in-law gave us our first china cabinet and hutch.  They were horrible beige pressboard and I tried to get rid of them at a garage sale.  Lightbulb, why not paint them.   Here they are and I love them

I am going to paint the hutch white with purple bands and put it in Abby Sue's room if/when we move.

My kitchen table is one of my favorite pieces, however, it came with cream corderoy seat covers.  Not only were they not functional with a child, they were boring.  Had to change that:

My laundry is off my kitchen, and, needless to say, was a boring little space.  I figured it should match the kitchen and have some charm of it's own.  So, I painted it a sunny yellow, added a cute chandelier, some sunflowers and shelves, and, voila, a charming little space that doesn't shame me if guests look in

We have a raised bungalow home, which means that there is a wall that is across from the closet that is basically useless.  I decided to make it useful.  First, I painted it with magnetic paint, then I painted it the same colour as the rest of the hall.  Using stick on backsplash, I made 3 spaces - one at the top to hang my baby's artwork using magnets, one using dry erase paint and one using chalkboard paint.  All three of us use the wall - for Abby Sue's homework, honeydo lists, and just playing

The other side of this wall is in my dining room.  Again, just a big plain wall.  I turned it into my wall of pictures.  My brother calls it my shrine to my family, but I love having family pictures everywhere.  In my opinion, it makes a house a home.

I'm sorry there are no before and afters.  I just am proud of my home and wanted to show it off to fellow diy'ers like yourselves.

Oh, and by the way, I managed to do a link (with the wonderful help of naturally me creations).  Woo to me!!

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Monday, January 24, 2011


I am so glad and grateful to everybody who has looked at my site and "linked" me to their sites.

I am SO CONFUSED RIGHT NOW!!  I know that if I go to a specific site I can add myself as a follower.  But how the heck do I put the cute little blurb at the end of my own post that says "I linked to these sites" and add the sites I linked to.  My head hurts!!!! Pin It

New to Blogging

So, I am relatively new to the world of blogging and I like to consider myself a computer person, however, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get tabs at the top of my blog to put links in.  I have "helped" it, attempted it, sworn at it, and finally cried over it. Help anybody, please. 

Now that that is out of the way, I am going to see if anybody would like to attend a linky link party at my site.  Come on over fellow goodwill shoppers and DIYers.  Let's see what you've got!!  I have also got to mention that I am linking to this as she is saying exactly what I am thinking

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Saturday, January 22, 2011

DIY Fool

I just finished Abby Sue's stool for her room.  I know, 3 projects in 3 days.  But my hubby is working all weekend and it is snowing, so what better time than now?  Here we go

Bought this stool for $3.99 at Goodwill

Abby Sue needed a stool for under her makeup table.  She has a white plastic thing that she doesn't use because it hurts her butt.  Anyways, I liked this because it opened up and could hide some of her treasures (plus it was cheap).  I also got some stool padding for $1.99.

My sister gave us some cute purple polka dot material to cover it with, another bonus

So, I got out the Gorillia glue and glued the padding down and then stapled the material over top.

Then I painted the main part of the stool white

Does anyone else think this is kind of boring??  Both Abbs and I did, so, off to Fabricland, where my mini me picked out some purple, yes purple, leopard print material.  I was so proud of her.  This is way better

We even had some left over to do the inside.  (Don't those 2 prints above just make your mouth water?)

I have to give a shout out to one of my most very favorite Christmas presents, the retractable, magnetic screw driver!! In pink, no less.  So great for little screws because they never fall out. 

Back to the stool.  Isn't that purple a great colour?  It is Abby Sue's new favorite colour and she wants her room purple in our new house.  A purple jungle.  I get excited just thinking about it.  Here is the finished project

Diego just has to get in the pictures!!

Don't know why she made the face.  Notice her shirt.  My wild child!!!  Clashes with her stool.  Maybe that is the reason for the face.

Looks great in her colourful room.  I need to redo the makeup table, though.  The verathane I used turned the drawers yellow.  That really grated my cheese when it happened.  Oh well, another fun project for me.  Maybe I will paint the vanity bright white and somehow incorporate purple in it as well.  Another exciting project at the Shropshire house!  

Have a great weekend.

Vicky Pin It

Computer desk redo

So, I finally finished the chair for the computer room and I absolutely love it.  However, after looking at the desk in the room:

I decided that the top needed to be painted black to better go with the chair.  So, at 11 pm last night, I started painting.  Yeah, I know I am obsessed.  Here is what the desk looked like this morning:

So much better.  I was grinning like a fool when I saw it.  Now to get to the chair.  So excited.  This is what the chair was like to begin with:

I loved the detail in the legs and back of the chair.  I knew it would be perfect in the computer room.  And, at $4.95, I was in heaven!!!  I was going to paint it Heirloom White, but the print for the seat was black and white and cream and just wouldn't go, so I bought the glossy white and used it.  Which is a good thing, because the bench I am redoing for Miss AbbySue was going to be white, so I saved some money.  YES!!!! Here is the chair now:

I was going to glaze it, but, of course, being Orillia, Home Depot didn't have the glaze I needed.  Lucky for me, (or I am an idiot - not sure which) it was cold in the garage where I painted, so the paint didn't stick to all parts of the chair.  AND IT LOOKED LIKE I HAD GLAZED IT.  Lucky for me!!!!  It looks beautiful. 

I love, love, love all things animal print and, lucky for me, Fabricland had a beautiful roll of black/white zebra print in their clearance section, so I bought a metre of it for........................................................ $2.00!!!!  I am so cheap and happy with my cheap purchases.  I got out the old staple gun and went to town.

Love it.  And, as my daughter would say, it is snuffy!!  In English, that means it is soft and fuzzy.  So, dun dun dun da:

BEAUTIFUL!!  Now, to put it at my desk:

Uh oh!!!!  I thought it wouldn't make much of a difference, but my computer desk IS heirloom white.  Oh well, it isn't that noticeable, but to an anal anne like me, IT IS DRIVING ME CRAZY.  I now have to paint my desk white.  I will leave that for another day, though.  I am high on paint fumes as it is. 

Now, for the piece that brings it all together.  Who loves their mousepad?? Mine is a gross blue with stains on it.

Bleck.  Now, I just wouldn't be me if I didn't do something about it.  So, TA DA!!

It just brings the whole thing together. 

I have to finish this post by saying, I love gorillia glue, tacky fabric adhesive and spray paint.  Thanks to all the other bloggers who fueled my interest in these products by their own designs.  They are now staples in my house.  I could not live without them.

Hope everybody loved the finished product.  Just wait until the desk is white too.  I will never leave the room!!!!

(Man, this post was full of exclamation points.  I'm telling you, I am high from the paint)

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