Then I found some really cute hooks at the dollar store.
I also found these in my closet. God knows how long they have been sitting there.
Out came the gorilla glue and tape
I let everything dry overnight, but thought it was a little boring. I decided to add some wooden letters
Now, once you come in my newly painted (yes, I splurged and hired someone to do it) yellow door,
Gosh, don't you just love that door? I could stare at it all day. My neighbour directly across from me absolutely LOVES it! Anyways, back to coats. Once you come through the magical door, VOILA!!! You have a place to hang your coats!!
It is big, but because it is on the wall, it doesn't make the foyer smaller
Total cost? Under $10. I love it. I was going to stain it, but I kind of like the natural wood. What do you think?? Pin It